Monday, 22 April 2013

Week 7 Update

This week I spent time developing a draft model in sketchup and learning the flowgraphs in CryEngine 3.

I placed my trial model into crysis and used the flowgraphs to make some parts of construction disappear, the brick walls, the concrete slab and the plasterboard walls inside.

Trial Video

My trial model showing some construction disappearing to see other types of construction.

Shades of Black presentation on COMMUNICATION

The group called Shades of Black made their presentation on communication. I found that their slides were quite basic and only had minimal writing on them; however their spoken presentation really elaborated on what was on the slides. A majority of their slides only showed the points of what they were talking about, it would have been good if there was also a brief outline of what they meant with those points and also explained even further with their spoken presentation.

The written presentation not being very long was relying on the oral presentation for clarity.

I heard some good examples in their presentation about communication, for example in the business hierarchy, how the ordinary staff would communicate with their managers who would communicate back to them and to their next in charge and so on up until the CEO of the company.

The Images I saw were quite good, though there were some that caught my attention. One of the images showed a bunch of animated people and computers with lines connecting them, this image showed clearly to me that people can communicate with each other face to face or via technology like computers. It also showed that people communicate with someone, then someone else, who communicates with someone else. The other image showed how communication had evolved, and that it is much easier to communicate these days with the new technology.

All of the images I saw in the presentation had the references underneath them, although I didn’t see any referencing to where they got their factual information.

To me, it looked like Shades of Black looked into pretty much every aspect of communication, whether via technology, or not, external communication like talking to their audience, or internal communication like talking amongst themselves.

Overall I found that it was a good presentation on communication, though the written presentation could have been more detailed.

Monday, 15 April 2013

3rdi Construct Presentation on PLANNING

Listening to their presentation I noticed the in depth they went to on trying to understand all the aspects of planning, from things I had not even thought to consider in planning.

They also noted that in preparing for their presentation that it has affected the way that they are now doing their assignment, that they are better planned. I realised that the way our tasks have been planned have not been as beneficial as they could be after listening to their presentation.

The visual aids in their presentation were quite good from the tables showing the steps in planning to images of sites that they have considered for their assignment. They spoke about time management and how important that is within planning and meeting deadlines and to allow for some tasks to go overtime. It is also important to plan for extra paths to take to reach your goal as some unexpected problems might come up and will need to be dealt with. It is easier and more efficient to deal with those problems as they arise rather than to leave them for later.

They referred to some specific examples in their presentation that backed up some of the points they were making, such as allowing for extra time or allocating specific jobs to people who have the skills in that area.

I found it was quite good that their written presentation was quite detailed in explaining all the different aspects of planning, and also that in their oral presentation that they went into further detail about the topics, this showed that they had done their research.

Referencing their images and information in the presentation was not there.

What I hope to gain from their presentation is a better organized team that converse with each other more often and consistently know where everyone is up to with their work. This is important because without communication the assignment will not work and our team will not function properly. I found that this presentation was beneficial to the future of my assignments.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Week 4

The progress Model photos have been modelled by Chinatsu with the assistance of myself. Chinatsu is modelling the shell construction of the building, and I will go through after and have a look in further detail.

Progress Model Photos Week 4

Model with Timber Stud walls and Timber flooring

Timber framed model with the roofing

Double Brick model with interior stud wall in progress.

 Current model as of 03/04/2013 12:30pm

Situation Engine Week 4

There have been some changes in the group roles:

Previously it was:
Laleh - Group Leader, Revit modelling.
David - BCA Research and Modelling. Assisting Laleh.
Chinatsu - Crysis CryEngine 3 Modelling the environment and Flow Graphs.
Daniel - Assisting Chinatsu with environment and Flow Graphs. Assigning Materials.

Currently it is now:
Laleh - Modelling Stairs, Windows, BCA Research on plumbing, Crysis Environment
David - Group Leader. Modelling timber floor, timber stud walls, checking other group members work.
Chinatsu - Double Brick wall modelling, Brick veneer wall modelling, adding the modelled details to the building.
Daniel J - modelling reinforced concrete slab wall, researching on conflict for group presentation

As well as the above tasks, all group member will participate in the crysis flow graph development.

Situation Engine Update Week 4

Most of the construction details have been modelled.

In our model we are showing 3 different types of wall construction, double brick, brick veneer and timber stud walls. We are also showing 2 different types of floor construction, reinforced concrete slabs and timber floors.

In our model we are also going to show the construction of the stairs, re model the windows and include some plumbing in the walls.